Sunshine Sakae
Sunshine Sakae is a vibrant shopping and entertainment complex in Nagoya, known for its iconic Ferris wheel and diverse range of shops and dining options.
Shopping Mall, Entertainment, Landmark
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Located in the heart of Nagoya's bustling Sakae district, Sunshine Sakae is a prominent shopping and entertainment destination that offers something for everyone. The complex is easily recognizable by its large Ferris wheel, which provides stunning views of the city from above. Inside, visitors can explore a variety of shops, from fashion boutiques to specialty stores, as well as a wide selection of restaurants and cafes. Sunshine Sakae also hosts live entertainment events, making it a lively spot both day and night. Whether you're looking to shop, dine, or enjoy a ride on the Ferris wheel, Sunshine Sakae provides a dynamic experience in one of Nagoya's most popular areas.
Facilities and Service
- Ferris Wheel
- Shopping and Dining
- Entertainment Events
- Indoor and Outdoor Seating
Payment accepted
- Credit Card
- Cash